Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Middle.

Hey Guys,
So we're in the middle of summer right now. We have 6 weeks until school again. I'm not looking forward to any class I have this year besides choir. I love choir! But you all knew that. =P
My mom comes home from the hospital for good on Friday at 11 a.m. I am so excited! She has recovered so well and continues to get stronger each and every day. God has blessed our family so much through all of this. And thank you to all of you who have been there through it all. Providing meals, praying, etc. It's amazing what happens when people come together like that and it makes us feel loads better.
I have seen miracles the past 7 weeks. God has given me strength and hope. After all of this I can't possibly believe that God isn't there. I can't possibly believe that God doesn't answer prayers. I truly believe now more than ever that prayer is the most powerful thing on this planet! So many people prayed... friends, families, even churches! It's amazing what a simple prayer can do for you!

I'm looking forward to fall chapel this year. I think I'm going to be sining. I should be unless for some reason I'm not able to. I don't know why I wouldn't. But anyways... I'm looking forward to it because there are real Christians going to be with me, my friends. And they know what true worship is. And we aren't going to be afraid to get up there and praise God.
I've got a feeling about this year... I hope that our class/school can come together and treat each other with respect. We need a change... and I will do whatever it takes to do it!

Love Always,