Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Banquet Day! Woot!

Hey there everyone,
I'm so excited about today! It's finally Christmas Banquet day. You know what that means? I shall tell you... we finally get to look pretty and then after the banquet is when the REAL fun begins... (Right, Zeller?) Ha. Dancing for 4 hours straight or more... I'm so looking forward to it! And I've got the best dance partner in the world! HA. And he is just simply amazing as a person, also. (You know who you are.) Anyways, I hope all of you have a fantastic day! I'll see most of you this after noon when we're getting ready!

All my love and excitement,


  1. Bring a power cord, 4 hours straight of dancing will wear me out :D.

  2. That was a fantabulous night! Except for one part but I survived. =)
